Asker Nett

Rebranding a century-old energy institution

Asker Nett emerged as the new name following the Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate's (NVE) mandate, which enforced a strict separation between electric power companies and electric power grid companies. Historically, these entities used to be one unit in over a hundred municipalities across Norway.

The NVE's requirement coincided with the merger between Hurum and Asker municipalities, prompting the need for a new name. With assistance from Tre, the grid company Hurum Nett transitioned into Asker Nett with a new visual identity, reflecting this separation.

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The result has been a progressive yet distinct visual profile, along with a website where locals automatically gets the latest news on everything related to the grid.

Our roles

·      Design strategy.

·      Project management.

·      Graphic and digital design.

·      Web site development.